March 21, 2024

Julia's first months at supRmen

Jasper Nederlof
Director - Suprmen

In December, we welcomed Julia. After the first two months, we sat down with her to see how she is doing and how she liked the past period. Read in this blog how Julia experienced her first months.

As a newcomer to supRmen, I felt right at home. The company exudes dynamism, youthfulness and flexibility. It was a nice, familiar feeling. Everyone was happy about my arrival and was very open from the first moment.

My tasks ranged from finding the right data model to training AI by annotating photos. "Commerce is not my strongest point and I can still learn a lot about this. By working with colleagues on a project that deals with this you learn a lot."

What I appreciate most is the company culture. I am enormously surprised by the openness and enthusiasm of the company. I also really like the fact that I can decide for myself when I am working and when I am present in the office, which is very nice for besides my studies.

Support and guidance are always available. There is always room to ask questions or discuss something if you think things could be done differently. This has taught me that it's only right to ask for help if something doesn't quite suit you.

Working with other teams and departments has been a valuable experience. I especially enjoy brainstorming and researching with each other within a project. I also like it when I can support people with my knowledge and do my part in projects.

For the next few months, I hope to specialize further. After a while, I would like to specialize in a branch that interests me, or even set one up when I have developed enough knowledge of it. My goal is to learn as much as I can and contribute to the growth of supRmen.

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Jasper Nederlof
Director - supRmen

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